成鳥オス © Gerard Cachon eBird S48261255 Macaulay Library ML 113383551
メス © Michiel Oversteegen
成鳥オス © Yve Morrell
メス © Michael Tromp
オスの未成鳥 © Steven Mlodinow
+ 2
成鳥オス © Michael Tromp

アイオヒメエメラルドハチドリ Chlorostilbon mellisugus




Common small green hummingbird of humid lowlands. Males rich iridescent green, with a bluish sheen to the face and breast, and deep blue tail. In poor lighting, appears uniformly dark green. Female has gray underparts, and blackish cheeks bordered above by a whitish stripe. Bill black in both sexes. Found in a variety of rainforest habitats, but most common around forest edges, including in agricultural areas.