雌鳥 © Forest Botial-Jarvis
雄鳥 © Ian Davies
雄性和雌性成鳥/雄性未成年鳥 © Jean-Louis Carlo
雌鳥 © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography

Black Scimitarbill Rhinopomastus aterrimus

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This all-black bird has a long, slim bill, and a fairly long tail. In flight, white bars across the wings are revealed. Birds in the eastern part of the range also have white in the outer tail, while the western birds have all-black tails. Found in a variety of savanna habitats. The call is a series of fluted, rising “wheet” notes; similar to Common Scimitarbill, but higher-pitched. Also similar in appearance to Common Scimitarbill, but there is little overlap in range, and Black is separated by its straighter bill and slightly shorter and less pointed tail. Separated from woodhoopoes by its shorter, less floppy, and squarer tail.