メス © Simon Bradfield
オス © Nigel Voaden
メス © Stephen Gast
オス © Dean LaTray

アフリカクロサンショウクイ Campephaga flava




Small, slim cuckooshrike in which males and females are strikingly different. Males are almost completely black with an odd pale patch at the base of the bill; some have a yellow shoulder Females are gray on the back and pale below, with heavy markings throughout. Partially migratory and found in a variety of woodland and savanna habitats. Quiet and unobtrusive. Often found in pairs. Call is an incredibly dry, high-pitched trill. Male separated from male Red-shouldered Cuckooshrike by its black or yellow rather than red shoulder. Females are very similar, but female Black Cuckooshrike has a mostly pale undertail and a greenish back.