Adult © Sam Adams
Juvenile © Tim Bawden
Adult © Stephen Murray
Adult © Owen Lishmund

Black-eared Miner Manorina melanotis

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Rare, medium-sized honeyeater found only in a few areas with dense intact mallee woodland (such as Gluepot Reserve). Grayish brown above, paler gray below, with pale gray crown, yellow bill, yellow eye patch, and a dark cheek patch. Hybridizes with Yellow-throated Miner, which makes identification difficult, as hybrids show a mix of the features of both species. In Black-eared, the moustache is darker than the throat (moustache is paler in Yellow-throated) and the cheek patch entirely black (patch has silver flecks in Yellow-throated). In flight, note the rump is the same color as the back and tail (rump is paler in Yellow-throated). Aggressive and territorial; lives in colonies and vigorously defends the territory area against pretty much anything that moves.