Female © Stephen Wainer
Male © Jon Irvine
Female © Anibal Barreto

Black-capped Tinamou Crypturellus atrocapillus

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Subtly colorful tinamou of dense habitats in the lowlands and Andean foothills. Almost exclusively found in bamboo thickets, but also occasionally found in dense riverside vegetation and secondary growth, including around agriculture. Rarely seen, but frequently heard throughout the day; it usually gives about one call note per minute, a springy “bwow”. The most helpful visual field mark is its bright orange legs; it also has a black or dark gray cap, and brown plumage with cold gray head and neck, and reddish orange throat.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN