成鳥オス © Tom Murray eBird S21039261 Macaulay Library ML 50914441
メス/未成鳥 © Rick Folkening
成鳥オス © Eric Wilmot
成鳥オス © Heidi Ware Carlisle
メス/未成鳥 © David Bree
+ 2
成鳥オス © Michael McCloy

ズグロアオフウキンチョウ Stilpnia heinei




Small, active tanager with notably different male and female plumages. Male is steely blue overall with slightly darker wings. Look for sea-green throat and cheek, streaked upper breast, and contrasting black cap and nape. Female is mostly lime green with pale bluish head and breast; she has just a ghosting of the male’s black cap. Usually found in pairs, often following a mixed-species flock in the canopy. An Andean species, found in subtropical forest, edges, and gardens. Visits fruit feeders.