Adult male © Manuel Becerril González eBird S27209389 Macaulay Library ML 23812391
Adult male © Manuel Becerril González
Adult female © Juan Miguel Artigas Azas
Adult male © Alfredo Garcia
Immature male © Manuel Becerril González

Black-backed Oriole Icterus abeillei

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Attractive orange-and-black oriole endemic to central Mexico, where it takes the place of Bullock’s Oriole (of western North America). Favors open woods, plantations, hedges with tall trees, and towns; migrants also occur in pine-oak forest in mountains. Feeds at all levels in trees and bushes, mixing readily with other orioles. Yellow-orange plumage of male distinct from purer orange of other orioles; also note the big white wing panel, black nape and cheeks, and black flanks. Female very similar to female Bullock’s Oriole but shows ghosting of male head pattern.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN