メス © Robert Lewis
オス © David Stejskal
メス © Peter Hawrylyshyn
オス © Alfonso Escajadillo
+ 4
オス © Patricia Bacchetti
オス © Fernando Angulo - CORBIDI
オス © Alec Earnshaw

ムナグロヤマハチドリ Oreotrochilus melanogaster




Large hummingbird found only at very high elevations in the Andes of central Peru. Male is dusky green with a sparkling green throat, a blue breast and belly, and gray sides. Female lacks the colorful underparts, and instead has a speckled throat and white tips to the tail. She is similar to females of both Andean and Green-headed Hillstars, but lacks white at the base of the tail feathers. The species inhabits open, scrubby habitat, usually above treeline, and feeds on a wide variety of flowers as well as insects.