成鳥オス © Josanel Sugasti -photographyandbirdingtourspanama eBird S59781053 Macaulay Library ML 178626291
メス © Claudia Brasileiro
オスの未成鳥 © Nestor Ccacya Baca
成鳥オス © João Gava Just
成鳥オス © Ian Davies
+ 3
メス © Luiz Carlos Ramassotti
成鳥オス © Róger Rodríguez Bravo

シコンヒワ Volatinia jacarina




Fairly common little bird of weedy and brushy fields, farmland, and other open grassy areas in tropical lowlands and foothills. Note the very small size, brown plumage, and streaky breast, plus the pointed conical bill. Male’s blue-black breeding plumage is worn only in the summer wet season; molting birds and immatures are patchy blue-black and brown. In song display, male leaps into the air from grass stalk or fence, uttering a short buzzy phrase, repeated over and over.