Дані для:
Самець © Heinrich Schiess eBird S62111542 Macaulay Library ML 191835871
Самиця © Arunava Bhattacharjee
Самиця © Omkar Dharwadkar
Самець © Rofikul Islam
Самець і самиця © Jon Irvine

Чечевиця китайська Agraphospiza rubescens

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Attractive medium-sized finch of subalpine coniferous areas; may move down to upper foothills in the winter. Male is predominantly pinkish raspberry-red with a white vent and lower belly. Female is plain brown all over with some rufous tones in the wings and on the rump; unlike female Vinaceous Rosefinch, she lacks streaking on the breast. Forages on the ground, in pairs in the summer and in flocks during the winter. Song is rich and consists of repeated whistled phrases; calls include persistent cheeps and metallic notes.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN


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