Data for:
Male (Western) © Ian Davies eBird S18418701 Macaulay Library ML 23443721
Male (Eastern) © Khalifa Al Dhaheri
Female (Western) © Fábio Matos
Male (Western) © Daniel Jauvin
Male (Eastern) © Tom Bedford
+ 4
Male (Eastern) © S S Cheema
Female (Eastern) © Markus Craig
Male (Western) © Daniel Jauvin

Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros

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Distinctive orange tail, best seen when flashed open or in flight. Varies considerably within range. Western birds are darker overall; male is slaty blackish, female smoky grayish overall. Eastern males have extensive orange on the underparts, and females are warm brown. Song also varies: western birds give a short trill preceded by a few buzzy intro notes, while eastern birds incorporate buzzy and trilled elements. Calls include high-pitched “tseet” and dry clicks. Occupies varied open habitats, often but not always with a rocky component. Feeds mainly on or near the ground, perching rather upright; sings from prominent perches.



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