Самець © Sipu Kumar eBird S42917574 Macaulay Library ML 86444381
Самиця © Ramesh Desai
Самець © Sivaguru Noopuran PRS
Самець © Anonymous
Самиця © Archit Shrivastava

Дзьобак чорногузий Dinopium benghalense

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A common, “small-billed” golden-backed woodpecker with four toes. Endemic to the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka. Associated with every lowland wooded habitat except dense tropical forest, it often follows degradation into higher elevations. Separated from all other flamebacks except Red-backed by dark throat, lack of a contrasting black horizontal stripe below the cheek, and four toes. Separated from Red-backed by golden back and black shoulder. Often detected by its loud “ki-ki-ki-ki-ki,” which steadily increases in pace and ends in a trill.

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