Взрослый самец © Bridget Spencer eBird S69567656 Macaulay Library ML 238137931
Самка/молодая птица © Diane Stinson
Взрослый самец © Marlene Cashen
Самка/молодая птица © Eric Ellingson
Самка/молодая птица © Jerry Ting
+ 6
Взрослый самец © Robert Hamilton
Самка/молодая птица © Richard Bunn
Самка/молодая птица © Jim Merritt
Взрослый самец © Jay McGowan
Взрослый самец © Curtis Mahon

Черноголовый толстонос Pheucticus melanocephalus

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Males are black-and-orange like an oriole, but stockier with a very thick bill. Nonbreeding males, females, and immatures typically have an orangey wash across breast with fine dark streaking on sides. Underwing coverts are always yellow. Bill usually looks bicolored, darker above and paler below. Fairly common in a variety of woodlands including mountain forests, thickets along desert streams, and backyards. Winters in Mexico. Regularly visits feeders. Listen for sweet robinlike song and squeaky call. Compare females and immatures with extremely similar Rose-breasted Grosbeak, which is usually identifiable by range. Black-headed usually has sparser and finer streaking on the underparts and more orange tones.