成鳥オス © Giovanni Pari eBird S46659596 Macaulay Library ML 104959371
成鳥オス © Paul Hyde
成鳥メス © Will Morris
成鳥メス © Rahul Kumar
成鳥メス/未成鳥オス © Balaji P B
+ 2
群れ © Kumar RR

ズグロカワラヒワ Chloris ambigua




Handsome yellowish finch with daffodil-yellow wing patches and a dark head. Streaky olive-yellow overall with grayish striping on the back and underparts. Male has a darker head than the female. Usually encountered foraging in small flocks or flying overhead. Inhabits open forests, forest edge, fields, and village fringes in hilly and montane regions. Song is a series of wheezy notes with bursts of trills and “tinks” in between. Most common call is a high twitter, often heard as the bird flies overhead. Other calls include wheezy and raspy sounds reminiscent of the song.