成鳥オス © Larry Therrien eBird S34246697 Macaulay Library ML 48476931
メス © Michael Tromp
オスの未成鳥 © Christoph Moning
成鳥オス © Nick Dorian
成鳥オス © Christoph Moning
+ 3
メス © Christoph Moning
成鳥オス © Eliana Ardila Kramer (Birding By Bus)

ニショクコメワリ Melanospiza bicolor




Small sparrowlike bird found in the Caribbean and northern South America. Males are dull olive above with a variable amount of black on the face and breast. Females are plain grayish-olive overall; note the small size, short tail, and pinkish bill and legs. Very similar to female Sooty Grassquit. Found in pairs or small groups in shrubby or grassy areas and forest edge, typically on or near the ground.