© Marc Languy
© Simon Colenutt
© Stefan Hirsch
© Barry Reed
+ 2
© Jim Hully

zoborožec Hartlaubův Horizocerus hartlaubi

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A small, dark forest hornbill found predominantly in primary forest subcanopy, where it prefers areas with abundant vines. This species is unique in its overall dark coloration and its broad white eyebrow that extends to the back of the head. The only similarly-sized forest hornbill in its range is the more reddish Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill, but Western Dwarf Hornbill has a less well-defined border between the dark chest and white belly, and only Western Dwarf Hornbill has the broad white eyebrow behind the eye. Voice is a repetitive “yep yep yep yep” that can be repeated at length, sometimes accompanied with a howl.