Female © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
Male © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
Male © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
Male and female © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography

Шикачик чорночеревий Edolisoma montanum

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Працює за допомогою MERLIN

A medium-sized bird of montane forest canopy. Slate gray color with black wing and tail. Male has a black face whereas the female is more striking with all black underparts. Female is distinctive, but male is similar to Common, Papuan and Gray-headed Cicadabird males but has more black on the wing. Song, a duet. The male gives a downslurred, nasal “wiiiuuuuuu!” and female joins in with 3-4 harsh rasping notes “rak-rak-rak!”.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN