Дорослий самець © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography eBird S65188776 Macaulay Library ML 205906761
Дорослий самець © Charles Davies
Дорослий самець © Peter Kaestner
Дорослий самець © Peter Kaestner

Монарх західний Trochocercus nitens

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A locally common but easily overlooked flycatcher of forest and forest edge. Has a distinctive crested flycatcher shape but more warbler-like behavior, sitting laterally on perches and moving its tail around as it forages. Male has a glossy black head, throat, back, wings, and tail, with a pale gray belly. Female is pale gray all over, slightly darker on the back, wings, and tail, with a blackish cap. Song is an ethereal, hollow “wo-wo-wo-wo-wo-wo-wo-wo-wo,” rising in pitch, reminiscent of a fast White-spotted Flufftail. Calls include harsh chatters and rattles.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN