オス © Christoph Moning eBird S43533669 Macaulay Library ML 89854171
メス © Wayne Fidler
オスの未成鳥 © Christoph Moning
オス © Christoph Moning
メス © Christoph Moning
+ 3
メス © Paul Tavares
オス © Josh Engel

マメハチドリ Mellisuga helenae




This tiny nectar sipper is the world’s smallest bird. It feeds on woodland flowers, especially those that are more horizontally positioned. Males often found perched on high exposed branches. The male is stunning with an iridescent red head and turquoise upperparts. The female is also turquoise above, but is dingy below. This species is readily identifiable by its tiny size and relatively short bill. In flight, this species’ wings make a sound resembling that of a bumblebee, hence its name. The most common vocalization is an extended, high-pitched, jumbled twitter.