成鳥オス © John Cahill xikanel.com eBird S63355151 Macaulay Library ML 203876741
成鳥メス © Luke Seitz
成鳥メス © Bradley Hacker 🦜
成鳥オス © Charlie Wright
成鳥オス © Niall D Perrins
+ 2
成鳥オス © Leander Khil

シロスジムクドリモドキ Icterus maculialatus




Very local, poorly known black-and-yellow oriole of Chiapas and northern Central America. Favors brushy oak woodlands and semi-deciduous scrubby areas, especially with oaks. Associates with other orioles at flowering and fruiting trees, but often remains inside cover and thus easily overlooked. Male is the only yellow-and-black oriole in its range with a white wingbar. Female and immature resemble Black-cowled Oriole (usually not in the same areas), but wings grayish (not contrastingly blackish) with narrow whitish wingbar.