Hembra © Ron Hoff Dollyann Myers
Macho © Peter Kaestner
Hembra © Bernard Guevorts

Bates's Paradise-Flycatcher Terpsiphone batesi

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Both sexes show a dark gray head and underparts with a rufous back, tail, and undertail. Tail is usually short, but males in the southwest part of the range can sport very long central tail feathers. Both sexes have a blue bill and ring around the eye. Found in lowland rainforest and swamp forest. A restless, active bird of middle levels of the forest. Similar to Rufous-vented Paradise-Flycatcher, but has a paler gray head without a crest, and usually has a shorter tail. Can be similar to African Paradise-Flycatcher, but distinguished by the rufous undertail and lack of a crest. Call is a series of tearing “shreet” notes, and song is a fast, bubbling series of “twee” notes.