Juvenile © Rainer Seifert
Adult © Holger Teichmann
Juvenile © Frédéric PELSY
Adult © Opwall Indonesia

Осоїд целебеський Pernis celebensis

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A small-headed, long-tailed raptor from Sulawesi and the Banggai Islands. Adult shows a dark crested head, a pale throat with dark central stripe, a rufous breast with bold streaking, and a barred belly. Immatures are paler with more tail bars. In flight, note long-winged appearance, uneven tail barring, small-headed appearance, and heavily barred body and underwings. Found in forest and forest edge in lowlands and mountains. Smaller-headed, smaller-billed, and longer-winged than the almost identically-patterned Sulawesi Hawk-Eagle. The honey-buzzard also differs in its unfeathered thighs and its unevenly barred tail. Gives a single plaintive “kew” note.

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