© Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography eBird S65188713 Macaulay Library ML 206028411
© Antoon De Vylder
© Antoon De Vylder
© Tadeusz Stawarczyk
© Simon Colenutt

Нікорник камерунський Apalis bamendae

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A slender, plain sooty-gray apalis with red eyes and a buffy-brown forehead and throat. Juvenile is paler than the adult, with a dingy cream belly. Resident, inhabiting canopy and middle levels of both primary and patchy degraded forest between 700 and 2000 meters in mountains and hilly areas in the Bamenda Highlands and Adamawa Plateau of Cameroon, where no similar apalises occur. Vocalizations include a monotonous “dleep-dleep-dleep” and a whip-like 3-noted “tee-twi-dip, tee-twi-dip, tee-twi-dip.”

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