幼鳥 © Dorian Anderson
非繁殖期の成鳥 © Denny Swaby
幼鳥 © Brian Sullivan
幼鳥 © Luke Seitz
+ 4
幼鳥 © Luke Seitz
繁殖期の成鳥 © Ian Davies
飛翔時 (with Western Sandpiper) © Margaret Viens

ヒメウズラシギ Calidris bairdii




Long-winged, long-distance migrant similar to White-rumped Sandpiper but with warmer buffy-tan plumage. Elongated body gives a horizontal impression when foraging; unique flattened oval shape when seen head-on. Black bill and brown rump. Breeding adults rather pale with large black spots on back. Crisp juveniles show neat scaly pattern on wings and back and have a warm buffy face and neck. Often with flocks of other small shorebirds, but prefers drier habitats, such as the grassy edge of a mudflat, seaweed-covered upper portion of a beach, or sod field. Breeds in the Arctic tundra; winters in South America.