- Passeriformes
- Estrildidae
Bar-breasted firefinch Lagonosticta rufopicta
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A small waxbill that is matte brown above and red below with a red bill and pale undertail. There are diagnostic pale bars along the sides of the breast, but these can be difficult to see clearly. Note that sexes are similar, unlike in some other firefinches. Found in a wide variety of open habitats, including broadleaf woodland, thickets, savanna, cultivated areas, and scrub, usually in pairs or small groups. Similar to Red-billed Firefinch, but separated by the darker brown markings on the head and the bars along the sides of the breast. Further separated from other firefinches by the pale rather than black undertail. The common call is a low “chip” and the song is a rapid twittering warble.
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