繁殖期のオス © Kym Nicolson eBird S36999412 Macaulay Library ML 59753861
メス © Bill Cash
繁殖期のオス © shorty w
繁殖期のオス © shorty w
繁殖期のオス © Paul Coddington
+ 3
メスと幼鳥 © Imogen Warren
非繁殖期のオス © Ged Tranter

ミカヅキハシビロガモ Spatula rhynchotis




Floats low in the water with an enormous "shovel-like" bill. Males are more brightly colored and have yellow eyes. Females are plainer brown with darker eyes. Note obvious bright orange legs when scanning a row of perched ducks. Feeds on the surface with head submerged. Usually found in large inland wetlands and sewage ponds.