Male © Anselmo d'Affonseca
Female © Lorenzo Calcaño
Male © Silvia Faustino Linhares

Ash-winged Antwren Euchrepomis spodioptila

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Tiny bird of rainforest canopy. Key field marks are white wing bars, clear pale gray underparts, thin black line through eye, and (especially) contrasting rufous back. Occurs in tall rainforest, where it follows canopy mixed-species flocks and is almost never found away from them. Feeds actively on insects, gleaning from foliage and often hanging upside-down, thereby offering a dorsal view that should facilitate identification. Song, which carries surprisingly far, is a thin, staccato trill, fast and accelerating. Smaller and more active than most other species in canopy flocks; habit of hanging upside-down recalls a greenlet, but face pattern, wing bars and contrasting back color are distinctive.