Самець © JJ Harrison eBird S61659966 Macaulay Library ML 189420181
Самиця © Trevor Evans
Іматурний самець © Heather Williams
Ювенільний птах © Ian McMahon
Ювенільний птах © Ged Tranter
+ 5
Самець © Adrian van der Stel
Самиця © shorty w
Самець © Jill Duncan & Ken Bissett
Самиця © Michael Rutkowski

Коель східний Eudynamys orientalis

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Large cuckoo known for its loud distinctive calls. Bright red eye. Males entirely black. Females barred with varying patterns, a black crown and a strong moustache. Occurs in a variety of habitats, fairly common in suburban areas. Strong migrant, spending the middle of the year in eastern Indonesia, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, and migrating south into eastern Australia during the austral summer. Calls are very loud, often heard at night or pre-dawn, including a piercing ‘coo-eee’, and a longer ‘wirra-wirra-wirra’ (similar to a car alarm).

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