オス © Charley Hesse TROPICAL BIRDING eBird S60990082 Macaulay Library ML 185295541
メス © Luis Mario Arce
オス © Charles Davies
メス © David Bree
オス © Zak Pohlen
+ 2
オス © John C. Mittermeier

マダガスカルオオサンショウクイ Coracina cinerea




Medium-sized, gray vanga-like bird with a black hood. The underparts are dark gray in most of the range and pale gray in the southwest. Found in all types of forest, and sometimes in scrub and plantations. Often joins mixed flocks with other mid-sized birds. Most common vocalizations are an accelerating high-pitched series and a mild, chatty series of “chew” and “tew” notes. Shows gray underparts, unlike any similar vanga. Smaller-billed than Pollen’s, Van Dam’s, and Lafresnaye’s Vangas.