מידע עבור:
Adult (Ashy) © Paul Farrell eBird S34142918 Macaulay Library ML 47377041
Adult (Brown-backed) © Tom Wheatley
Adult (Ashy) © Doug Kibbe
Adult (Ashy) © Dilip C Gupta
Adult (Brown-backed) © GARY DOUGLAS

Ashy Bulbul Hemixos flavala

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

A particularly sharply-dressed bulbul. Throughout most of its range, gray overall with bright yellow-green wing panels, round brown ear patches, and a white throat. Birds in southern Indochina are browner overall, with less contrast. Dark bushy crest is often raised, giving the bird a messy-haired appearance. Inhabits a wide range of wooded habitats in foothill, submontane, and montane regions, often foraging in flocks with other bulbul species. Song consists of short, jumbled phrases of metallic warbled notes. Calls are variable, including both harsh chattering and tuneful piping notes.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN


כניסה לצפייה בסטטיסטיקות שלך

גרף עמודות שבועי

בחירת אזור לצפייה בגרף עמודות שבועי

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