© Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography eBird S65190362 Macaulay Library ML 205997301
© Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
© Michael O'Brien
© Michael O'Brien
© Santiago Caballero Carrera

ハイバラツバメ Hirundo angolensis




A small swallow with blue upperparts, chestnut forecrown, and throat with a narrow incomplete dark breast band and gray underparts. Singles, pairs and groups are residents and intra-African migrants to open grassland, cultivation, and wetland fringes. Barn Swallow is similar to Angola but is larger with much longer outer tail feathers, broader complete breast band and white underparts; Ethiopian Swallow has buff (not chestnut) throat and white (not gray) underparts. Vocalizations include typically swallow-like weak twitters.