© Jaime Valenzuela Trujillo eBird S107124898 Macaulay Library ML 436409001
© Pedro Allasi Condo - COAP - COLLAGUA BIRDER
© Jacob Drucker
© Rob Jansen - RobJansenphotography.com
© Rob Jansen - RobJansenphotography.com
+ 3
© Fisher Chavez - COAP-CUSCO Tunkiwasi lodge.
© Jay Huila Balvin

Mérulaxe de Whitney Scytalopus whitneyi

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Dark gray tapaculo with a pale eyebrow known only from a few sites in the eastern Andes of southern Peru. While long known to be something different, it was finally described as a new species in 2020. Rump, tail, and lower underparts are brownish and faintly barred, though this is often hard to see in the field. The pale eyebrow is a good feature, but it is very inconspicuous on some birds, and ID is best confirmed by voice. Song is a slow, steady series of inflected chirps that may go on for a minute, and the notes sometimes have a buzzy quality. Inhabits high elevation forest and scrub near and above tree line. Stays low and often hops on the ground.