מידע עבור:
Adult male (Northern) © Michael JD eBird S62984166 Macaulay Library ML 197090861
Female (Northern) © Bryan Calk
Adult male (Northern) © Jacob Drucker
Female (Northern) © Jerry Liguori
Adult male (Northern) © Alex Shipherd
+ 10
Adult male (Cuban) © Adam Bowley
Adult male (Cuban) © Yeray Seminario
Female (Cuban) © Noah Frade
Adult male (Hispaniolan) © Jay McGowan
Adult male (South American) © Alessandro Rômulo Carneiro
Adult male (Northern) © Matthew Pendleton
Adult male (Northern) © Ryan Sanderson
Male and female (Northern) © Jerry Liguori
Habitat © Tim Lenz

בז אמריקני Falco sparverius

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Petite falcon roughly the same size as Mourning Dove, but with a larger head and wider tail. In flight, note long, narrow wings and square-tipped tail. Often seen perched on telephone wires, along roadsides, in open country with short vegetation and few trees. From a perch or hovering, they usually drop to the ground to snatch small mammals and insects. Nests in cavities. Widespread across the Americas.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN


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