Adult © Ryan Schain
Adult © Amanda Guercio
Adult © Evan Lipton
Adult © bellemare celine
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Adult © Sheila and Ed Bremer
Adult © Jay McGowan

Ворона американська Corvus brachyrhynchos

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This is the common crow over much of the U.S. and Canada. Most easily identified by voice, a familiar “caw,” often repeated. Common in any open habitats, including fields, open woodlands, marshes, and cities, thriving around humans. Very social, usually seen in flocks, sometimes numbering in the hundreds or even thousands. Aggressive, sometimes seen chasing away hawks and owls. Separated from ravens by smaller size, smaller bill, shorter tail, and shorter, broader wings. Compare with Fish Crow, which is extremely similar in appearance, and best separated by voice. Includes the species formerly known as Northwestern Crow.

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