© Wich’yanan Limparungpatthanakij eBird S61338592 Macaulay Library ML 193251121
© Shailesh Pinto
© Joachim Bertrands | Ornis Birding Expeditions
© Joachim Bertrands | Ornis Birding Expeditions
© Paul French

アクンワシミミズク Ketupa leucosticta




A small insectivorous eagle-owl that sallies to catch flying insects from mid-canopy perches near openings in lowland forest. Has a distinctive pale belly with large dark spots, a brownish-gray face and back, yellow eyes, and a banded tail. Vocalizations include soft grunts, a short ascending or descending whistled “woooh,” and short trilled calls. Vocalizations can resemble those of other eagle-owls within its range, but Akun Eagle-Owl’s distinctive pale belly and large, obvious spotting on a mostly white chest are unique.