オス © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography eBird S65188706 Macaulay Library ML 205902871
メス © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
メス © Peter Alfrey
オスとメス © Tony Palliser
メス © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography

アフリカミツユビコゲラ Verreauxia africana




A tiny woodpecker of forest and forest edge, more likely to be mistaken for a crombec than for another species of woodpecker. A squat bird with a round body, a large head, a short, stout bill, and a very short tail. Body is gray overall with greenish wings, white markings around the ears, and orange around the eyes. Males have an orange forehead. Voice is a weak trilling “si-si-si-si-si.”