メス © Jim Hully
オス © Nigel Voaden
オス © Nigel Voaden
オス © simon walkley
+ 2
オス © Wigbert Vogeley

カゲロウチョウ Lagonosticta rubricata




Small brown and reddish waxbill with a blue-gray bill and black under the tail. Varies geographically, but in many areas, has a mostly gray head. Found along forest edge and in cultivation, thick woodland, and scrub. Usually in pairs or small groups. Call is a short, low trill. Quiet song is a mix of low trills and much higher-pitched whines and whistles. Similar to Red-billed and Bar-breasted firefinches but shows black under the tail. Subspecies without gray on the head can be extremely similar to Jameson’s Firefinch, but they are darker and less pinkish overall.