Male © Bruce Ward-Smith eBird S35134075 Macaulay Library ML 57427001
Female © Theresa Bucher
Male © Nick Hudson
Male © Krista Oswald
Male © Neil Paprocki

African Crested Flycatcher Trochocercus cyanomelas

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Small, slim, crested member of the monarch family. The male has a black hood, a large crest, and a variable white patch in the wing. The female is plainer and greyer, with a reduced crest and less white in the wing. Found in the midstory of forest, from low to high elevations. Restless bird that often joins mixed feeding flocks. Call is a zinging “zree-zre-zre”. Song is a long, musical series of hollow notes. The very pale underparts and white mark on the wing are separate it from other crested-flycatchers.