Virginia News

  • eBird data support conservation actions

    Every observation you submit to eBird is valuable, and with roughly 400 million records gathered so far, eBird has grown into one of the premier information sources on bird occurrence and abundance around the world. Importantly, eBird data are curated, managed, and made freely available for education, research, and conservation use, and tens of thousands of people download eBird data each year.

  • April eBirder of the Month Challenge

    This month’s eBirder of the Month challenge, sponsored by Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, helps make eBird easier than ever. As technology continues to advance in leaps and bounds with every passing month and year, the birding tools that we can provide improve apace.

  • Atlasing After Dark: an introduction to nocturnal surveys

    Nighttime surveys are often the last step needed to 'complete' or finish an Atlas block. This aspect of atlasing can seem a little challenging, so this article provides guidance for volunteers who are ready to start working on nighttime atlasing or for anyone interested in nocturnal species surveys.

  • February eBirder of the Month Challenge

    Sharing is caring. This month’s eBirder of the Month Challenge, sponsored by Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, is all about birding with others.

  • New Year's Resolution 2017: more eBirding!

    The New Year is a time for fresh beginnings. As you think about your personal goals for 2017, consider stepping up your eBird use.

  • January eBirder of the Month Challenge

    This month’s eBirder of the month challenge, sponsored by Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, give you an excuse to get out there at the start of 2017 and see what you can find! In order to qualify as the first eBirder of the Month in 2017, all you have to do one eBird checklist for each day in January.

  • 2017 Checklist-a-day Challenge

    In 2016, eBird received more than 3.75 million complete checklists from your birding efforts. eBird thrives on the enthusiasm and engagement of tens of thousands of loyal participants worldwide who reliably enter their birding forays in eBird.

  • eBird 2016 -- Year in review

    2017 will mark the 15 year anniversary of eBird. In just a decade-and-a-half, the bird checklists that you have shared have helped make eBird the largest citizen science biodiversity project in the world.

  • December eBirder of the Month Challenge

    This month’s eBirder of the Month challenge, sponsored by Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, highlights the value of splitting your day of birding into multiple lists. By keeping multiple lists throughout a morning or day of birding, the information that you're collecting is much more valuable—both for your own personal records and for researchers and conservationists!

  • VSO’s American Kestrel Nest Box Project UPDATE!

    American Kestrels are a welcome presence throughout Virginia’s rural countryside, and a treat to observe in any season. The piercing cry of these magnificent little falcons echoing over farms and fields used to be a common occurrence, but not so much anymore.