Observer: Scotty Lofland
Observer: Lizzie Diener
Location: 3327 Interstate 20, Stanton, Texas, US (32.129, -101.817) Martin Texas
Observer: John Diener
Location: 3327 Interstate 20, Stanton, Texas, US (32.129, -101.817) Martin Texas
Observer: Roberto Carbonell
Location: 2056–2060 County Road 4750, Lamesa US-TX 32.44337, -102.15708 Martin Texas
Observer: Jennifer Gamrod
Location: SH-349, Lamesa US-TX 32.49366, -102.05786 Martin Texas
Observer: Eric Faria
Location: 2019–2027 County Road C2300, Stanton US-TX 32.10048, -102.03775 Martin Texas
Observer: Eric Faria
Location: 7870–8036 N County Road 1150, Midland US-TX 32.11259, -102.04804 Martin Texas
Observer: Eric Faria
Location: 7870–8036 N County Road 1150, Midland US-TX 32.11259, -102.04804 Martin Texas
Observer: Eric Faria
Location: Elkins Rd, Midland US-TX 32.09262, -102.04155 Martin Texas
Observer: Eric Faria
Location: 301–347 E Bell St, Stanton US-TX 32.12545, -101.78496 Martin Texas
Observer: Eric Faria
Observer: Steve Glover
Location: Interstate 20, Midland, Texas, US (32.1, -101.868) Martin Texas
Observer: Jonathan Brooks
Location: 3399 I-20 Service Rd, Stanton US-TX 32.13943, -101.80673 Martin Texas
Observer: Jonathan Brooks
Location: IH-20 W, Stanton US-TX 32.16003, -101.70626 Martin Texas
Observer: Jonathan Brooks
Location: IH-20 E, Stanton US-TX 32.15278, -101.72577 Martin Texas
Observer: Jonathan Brooks
Location: IH-20 E, Stanton US-TX (32.1418,-101.7558) Martin Texas
Observer: Jonathan Brooks
Location: IH-20 E, Stanton US-TX 32.10254, -101.86245 Martin Texas
Observer: Kenneth Bader
Observer: Kenneth Bader
Observer: Kenneth Bader
Observer: Kenneth Bader
Observer: Kenneth Bader
Observer: Joel DuBois
Location: 2310 Texas 176, Tarzan, Texas, US (32.311, -102.056) Martin Texas
Observer: Joel DuBois
Location: Texas 176, Stanton, Texas, US (32.287, -101.78) Martin Texas
Observer: Joel DuBois
Location: Texas 176, Stanton, Texas, US (32.271, -101.707) Martin Texas
Observer: Steve Houston
Location: IH-20 W, Stanton US-TX 32.15268, -101.72626 Martin Texas
Observer: Kalder Korte
Location: SH-176, Stanton US-TX 32.28937, -101.79463 Martin Texas
Observer: Richard H
Location: 4058–4074 County Road A3601, Stanton US-TX 32.40506, -101.85600 Martin Texas
Observer: Richard H
Observer: Richard H
Location: US-TX-Tarzan-County Road 3201 - 32.3985x-101.9247 Martin Texas
Observer: Shun-Yuan Huang
Location: Road Incidental: TX-176, Martin County, Texas Martin Texas
Observer: Roberto Carbonell
Location: 79782, Stanton US-TX 32.14983, -102.17097 Martin Texas
Observer: Nick Varvel
Location: County Road 4400, Tarzan US-TX 32.44024, -101.94650 Martin Texas
Observer: Nick Varvel
Location: County Road D3201, Lamesa US-TX 32.46210, -101.94515 Martin Texas
Observer: Nick Varvel
Observer: Nick Varvel
Location: Co. Rd. 3201 (32.4974, -101.9564) Martin Texas
Observer: Philip Dickinson
Location: Ackerly--U.S. 87 Martin Texas
Observer: Steve West
Location: Tarzan, Texas Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: 2807–2871 Ranch Rd 87, Lenorah US-TX 32.30516, -101.95837 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 2807–2871 Ranch Rd 87, Lenorah US-TX 32.30516, -101.95837 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: 3658 FM-1212, Tarzan US-TX (32.3057,-102.0387) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 3658 FM-1212, Tarzan US-TX (32.3057,-102.0387) Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: County Road C3500, Tarzan US-TX 32.30229, -101.95104 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: County Road C3500, Tarzan US-TX 32.30229, -101.95104 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: 2951–2975 County Road C3400, Lenorah US-TX 32.29096, -101.93433 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 2951–2975 County Road C3400, Lenorah US-TX 32.29096, -101.93433 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: SH-176, Stanton US-TX 32.27971, -101.74401 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: SH-176, Stanton US-TX 32.27971, -101.74401 Martin Texas
Observer: Justin Bright
Location: SH-176, Stanton US-TX 32.27116, -101.70109 Martin Texas
Observer: Justin Bright
Location: SH-176, Stanton US-TX 32.31801, -102.14810 Martin Texas
Observer: Jane Tillman
Observer: Jane Tillman
Location: 550–598 E Bell St, Stanton US-TX 32.12635, -101.78242 Martin Texas
Observer: Mark Lyon
Location: 550–598 E Bell St, Stanton US-TX 32.12635, -101.78242 Martin Texas
Observer: Jane Tillman
Location: 2209 SH-137, Stanton US-TX 32.14084, -101.80672 Martin Texas
Observer: Mark Lyon
Location: 2209 SH-137, Stanton US-TX 32.14084, -101.80672 Martin Texas
Observer: Mike Crownover
Location: North State Highway 349, Tarzan, Texas, US (32.259, -102.152) Martin Texas
Observer: Clayton Bowerman
Location: Lease road fence Martin Texas
Observer: Jp Smith
Observer: John & Linda Prentice/Gindler
Location: 2752 SH-176, Tarzan US-TX 32.30504, -101.97480 Martin Texas
Observer: Rebecca Hart
Location: I20, Stanton Martin Texas
Observer: Steve Manns
Location: I20, Stanton Martin Texas
Observer: Michael Autin
Location: Interstate 20, Stanton, Texas, US (32.141, -101.758) Martin Texas
Observer: Richard H
Observer: Richard H
Observer: Richard H
Location: US-TX-Tarzan-79783 - 32.4160x-101.9304 Martin Texas
Observer: Darlene J McNeil
Location: IH-20 E, Stanton US-TX 32.11533, -101.82995 Martin Texas
Observer: Steve Glover
Location: IH-20 E, Stanton US-TX 32.11533, -101.82995 Martin Texas
Observer: Grant Ellis
Observer: Grant Ellis
Observer: Grant Ellis
Location: 4555 FM-2002, Ackerly US-TX 32.52000, -101.72053 Martin Texas
Observer: Clayton Bowerman
Location: Diamondback Energy tiny Field Office trailer Martin Texas
Observer: Grant Ellis
Location: 3848–3850 SH-349, Stanton US-TX 32.31308, -102.16860 Martin Texas
Observer: Todd Fitzgerald
Location: Interstate 20 Service Rd, Stanton US-TX 32.14753, -101.74140 Martin Texas
Observer: Clayton Bowerman
Location: Diamondback temp office Martin Texas
Observer: Roberto Carbonell
Location: 3705–3743 County Road 2701, Tarzan US-TX 32.31141, -101.98655 Martin Texas
Observer: David Schmerge
Location: Grady ISD Martin Texas
Observer: David Schmerge
Location: FM829 north of County Rd 4200 Martin Texas
Observer: David Schmerge
Location: County RD 23201 at 4200 Martin Texas
Observer: David Schmerge
Observer: David Schmerge
Observer: Richard H
Location: SH-176, Stanton US-TX 32.27505, -101.72710 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: Clearwater Country Estates 2693 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2896,-101.9254) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: Clearwater Country Estates 2693 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2896,-101.9254) Martin Texas
Observer: Kaj Overturf
Location: 3075 Texas 176, Lenorah, Texas, US (32.308, -101.917) Martin Texas
Observer: Kaj Overturf
Location: 3300 Texas 176, Stanton, Texas, US (32.303, -101.875) Martin Texas
Observer: Roberto Carbonell
Location: 79782, Stanton US-TX 32.34452, -102.09897 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: CCE 3373 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2893,-101.9255) Martin Texas
Observer: Jason Hunt
Location: Shelbourne Park Martin Texas
Observer: Jason Hunt
Location: CR 2601 Martin Texas
Observer: Steve Carnduff
Location: 3847 Texas 349, Tarzan, Texas, US (32.298, -102.164) Martin Texas
Observer: Anna Jones
Location: 3070 Interstate 20 Frontage Road, Midland, Texas, US Martin Texas
Observer: Anna Jones
Location: 2931 Interstate 20 Frontage Road, Midland, Texas, US Martin Texas
Observer: Richard H
Observer: Todd Fitzgerald
Location: IH-20 W, Stanton US-TX 32.14065, -101.77176 Martin Texas
Observer: Todd Fitzgerald
Location: IH-20 W, Stanton US-TX 32.15070, -101.73197 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: 3250–3270 County Road C3400, Lenorah US-TX 32.30219, -101.88566 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: Clearwater Country Estates 2693 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2896,-101.9254) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: Clearwater Country Estates 2693 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2896,-101.9254) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 3610–3612 FM-1212, Tarzan US-TX (32.2987,-102.0365) Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: Clearwater Country Estates 2693 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2896,-101.9254) Martin Texas
Observer: Aaron Sides
Location: County Road 3401, Ackerly, Texas, US (32.46, -101.909) Martin Texas
Observer: Nancy Young
Location: Hwy 87, Ackerly Martin Texas
Observer: Cooper Daniels
Location: IH-20 W, Stanton US-TX 32.14941, -101.73553 Martin Texas
Observer: Kalder Korte
Location: IH-20 W, Stanton US-TX 32.14941, -101.73553 Martin Texas
Observer: Nancy Young
Location: Hwy 87, Ackerly Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: Clearwater Country Estates 2693 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2896,-101.9254) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: Clearwater Country Estates 2693 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2896,-101.9254) Martin Texas
Observer: Donna Kelly
Location: Farm to Market Road 1212, Stanton, Texas, US (32.139, -101.937) Mustang Spring Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: Clearwater Country Estates 2693 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2896,-101.9254) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: Clearwater Country Estates 2693 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2896,-101.9254) Martin Texas
Observer: Dell Little
Location: IH-20 E, Stanton US-TX 32.08971, -101.89179 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 3610–3612 FM-1212, Tarzan US-TX (32.2987,-102.0365) Martin Texas
Observer: Isaiah McCourt
Location: 3619 Interstate 20, Stanton, Texas, US (32.14, -101.769) Martin Texas
Observer: Isaiah McCourt
Location: 3967 Interstate 20, Stanton, Texas, US (32.158, -101.712) Martin Texas
Observer: Ari Rice
Location: SH-349, Tarzan US-TX 32.41814, -102.11140 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: FM-3113, Stanton US-TX 32.12488, -101.87042 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: FM-3113, Stanton US-TX 32.12488, -101.87042 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: Clearwater Country Estates 2693 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2896,-101.9254) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: Clearwater Country Estates 2693 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2896,-101.9254) Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: County Road C3500, Tarzan US-TX 32.30270, -101.94921 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: County Road C3500, Tarzan US-TX 32.30270, -101.94921 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: 3455 County Road C2901, Lenorah US-TX 32.29640, -101.94582 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 3455 County Road C2901, Lenorah US-TX 32.29640, -101.94582 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: County Road 4051, Stanton US-TX 32.17395, -101.70203 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: County Road 4051, Stanton US-TX 32.17395, -101.70203 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: County Road 4101, Stanton US-TX 32.23070, -101.71075 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: County Road 4101, Stanton US-TX 32.23070, -101.71075 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: 2500–2528 County Road C3500, Tarzan US-TX 32.28430, -102.02792 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 2500–2528 County Road C3500, Tarzan US-TX 32.28430, -102.02792 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: CCE 3373 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2893,-101.9255) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: CCE 3373 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2893,-101.9255) Martin Texas
Observer: Donna Kelly
Observer: Donna Kelly
Observer: Diane Thomas
Location: Ackerly, Texas, US (32.499, -101.712) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: County Road 4051, Lenorah US-TX 32.17408, -101.70208 Martin Texas
Observer: Hannah Girgente
Location: North State Highway 349, Tarzan, Texas, US (32.248, -102.148) Martin Texas
Observer: Joe Girgente
Location: North State Highway 349, Tarzan, Texas, US (32.248, -102.148) Martin Texas
Observer: Hannah Girgente
Location: North State Highway 349, Tarzan, Texas, US (32.263, -102.153) Martin Texas
Observer: Joe Girgente
Location: North State Highway 349, Tarzan, Texas, US (32.263, -102.153) Martin Texas
Observer: Hannah Girgente
Location: North State Highway 349, Texas, US (32.418, -102.112) Martin Texas
Observer: Joe Girgente
Location: North State Highway 349, Texas, US (32.418, -102.112) Martin Texas
Observer: Hannah Girgente
Location: North State Highway 349, Lamesa, Texas, US (32.495, -102.057) Martin Texas
Observer: Joe Girgente
Location: North State Highway 349, Lamesa, Texas, US (32.495, -102.057) Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: County Road 4400, Ackerly US-TX 32.45130, -101.89453 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: County Road 3301, Ackerly US-TX 32.45985, -101.92660 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: County Road 4600, Lamesa US-TX 32.47339, -101.93108 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: County Road D3201, Tarzan US-TX 32.44020, -101.93814 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: County Road D3600, Tarzan US-TX (32.2975,-102.0361) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: County Road D3600, Tarzan US-TX (32.2975,-102.0361) Martin Texas
Observer: Greg Palko
Observer: Greg Palko
Observer: Greg Palko
Observer: Greg Palko
Observer: Greg Palko
Location: County Road 3200, Lenorah US-TX 32.22697, -102.07417 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Observer: Terry Tate
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: Clearwater Country Estates Martin Texas
Observer: Butch Carter
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 2900–2910 County Road C3400, Lenorah US-TX 32.28887, -101.94327 Martin Texas
Observer: Coen Dexter
Location: 2267 Texas 176, Tarzan, Texas, US (32.312, -102.065) Martin Texas
Observer: Brenda Wright
Location: 2267 Texas 176, Tarzan, Texas, US (32.312, -102.065) Martin Texas
Observer: Graeme Colmer
Location: SH-176, Lenorah US-TX 32.30595, -101.94502 Martin Texas
Observer: Greg Meyer
Location: Wildcat Loop, Lenorah US-TX 32.30766, -101.92575 Martin Texas
Observer: Eileen Murphy
Location: Wildcat Loop, Lenorah US-TX 32.30766, -101.92575 Martin Texas
Observer: Noel Zaugg
Location: 606 5th Street, Ackerly, Texas, US (32.523, -101.715) Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: 3088–3098 County Road 3301, Lenorah US-TX (32.2621,-101.8630) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 3088–3098 County Road 3301, Lenorah US-TX (32.2621,-101.8630) Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: 3668–3670 FM-1212, Tarzan US-TX (32.3061,-102.0389) private residence Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 3668–3670 FM-1212, Tarzan US-TX (32.3061,-102.0389) private residence Martin Texas
Observer: Dale M
Location: 2200-2254 Texas 176, Tarzan, Texas, US (32.313, -102.086) Martin Texas
Observer: Diana Doyle
Location: Shelbourne Park Martin Texas
Observer: Nancy Reed
Location: County Road 3301, Lenorah US-TX 32.26510, -101.86411 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: CCE 3373 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2893,-101.9255) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: County Road 3301, Lenorah US-TX 32.26634, -101.86448 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 3668–3670 FM-1212, Tarzan US-TX (32.3061,-102.0389) private residence Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: 2500–2528 County Road C3500, Tarzan US-TX 32.28465, -102.02656 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 2500–2528 County Road C3500, Tarzan US-TX 32.28465, -102.02656 Martin Texas
Observer: Dell Little
Location: IH-20 E, Stanton US-TX 32.08971, -101.89179 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 3668–3670 FM-1212, Tarzan US-TX (32.3061,-102.0389) private residence Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 3668–3670 FM-1212, Tarzan US-TX (32.3061,-102.0389) private residence Martin Texas
Observer: Steve Houston
Location: SH-349, Lamesa US-TX 32.48848, -102.06144 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: 208 S St Mary St, Stanton US-TX 32.12755, -101.78761 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 208 S St Mary St, Stanton US-TX 32.12755, -101.78761 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: CCE 3373 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2893,-101.9255) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: CCE 3373 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2893,-101.9255) Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: County Road D3600, Tarzan US-TX (32.2975,-102.0361) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: County Road D3600, Tarzan US-TX (32.2975,-102.0361) Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: County Road C3500, Tarzan US-TX 32.30270, -101.94921 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: County Road C3500, Tarzan US-TX 32.30270, -101.94921 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: CCE 3373 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2893,-101.9255) Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: CCE 3373 FM-829, Lenorah US-TX (32.2893,-101.9255) Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: SH-176, Stanton US-TX 32.27175, -101.71343 Martin Texas
Observer: Steve Welborn
Location: Stanton City Park Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: 3432 I-20 Service Rd, Stanton US-TX 32.13878, -101.80000 Martin Texas
Observer: Terry Tate
Location: 3432 I-20 Service Rd, Stanton US-TX 32.13878, -101.80000 Martin Texas
Observer: Dorothy Tate
Location: S St Theresa St, Stanton US-TX (32.1295,-101.7860) Martin Texas