New Hampshire News

  • Can you ID this Winter Visitor?

    While uncommon, a regular winter visitor to the state is the Lapland Longspur. The Lapland Longspur is usually found in fallow agricultural fields along with similar-looking birds such as Horned Larks and Vesper and Savannah Sparrows.

  • What to Watch for in Winter

    Everyone loves to look for Snowy Owls, but did you realize that there is a great diversity of birds to see during the New Hampshire winters? The coast hosts many species of ducks, alcids, and loons that migrate south from the arctic regions for the winter and we are their south!

  • Winter Songs

    We all look forward to spring and the welcome return of birds as their song fills the air. But there are birds around all year and we’re often surprised to hear them singing in the middle of winter.

  • A “Superflight” of Finches

    “Winter Finches” are those that breed primarily north of New Hampshire and are usually only seen here in the winter where their numbers fluctuate widely in response to food supplies. Read a summary of the finches that came flocking to NH during that pandemic winter in the Winter 2020-21 issue of New Hampshire Bird Records.

  • Wondering where the World Ends?

    Look no further than the southeastern corner of Salem, NH where early explorers of the region applied the name “World’s End” to a pond that marked the outskirts of their known world. Now most often called “World End Pond,” this end of the world site is a birding hotspot.

  • A Great Birding Spot at Newfound Lake in the Fall Issue of New Hampshire Bird Records

    The Grey Rocks Conservation Area on the north shore of Newfound Lake in Hebron is a former marina now protected by the Newfound Lake Region Association. Its variety of habitats, including wetlands and the Cockermouth River, make it a great birding location.

  • The Bathing Beauties of Webster

    No swimsuits needed for these beauties! An amazing array of songbirds captured on video as they perform aquatic dances and cavort beneath a gentle cascade of water, may not get an Oscar nod, but would certainly garner a thumb’s up from birders!

  • “Green Heron Pond” to “Bobolink Field”

    Between these two eponymous locations lies a hot-spot for birding. The 4.4 mile Newfields section of the Rockingham Recreational Trail provides great birding spots within reasonable walking distance of several access points.

  • Sunning and Anting, Remarkable Bird Behaviors in the Summer Issue of NH Bird Records

    This bird may look dead, but it’s perfectly fine! It is “sunning” and exposing its preen gland to ultraviolet light for some vitamin D.

  • Warbler Mix ‘n’ Match

    Golden-winged, Blue-winged, Brewster’s and Lawrence’s Warblers present an interesting study in hybridization. For example, how is it that a yellow-throated Blue-winged can mate with a black-throated Golden-winged and produce the white-throated Brewster’s?