Montana News

  • Biodiversity Library: Behind the Scenes at the Philip L. Wright Zoological Museum

    Here’s a seemingly simple question: how many bird species are there?  And further, what do they look like?  How can you tell them apart?  Where are they found?  When you open a bird guide, where does all that information such as sizes, diets, distributions, and plumage across ages and sexes come from? We often take […]

  • The Sage Grouse Initiative: Twelve Years Old and Counting

    Greater Sage Grouse occur within the sage steppe ecosystem, which covers 186 million acres in parts of Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Alberta and Saskatchewan. However, the vast majority of sage grouse—three quarters of the species—occupies just under a third of this area.

  • Keeping Cool is For the Birds

    The heat wave ripping through the west makes outdoor chores miserable. Humans have their AC units and popsicles to make it through the heat, but what about birds?

  • Common Diseases in Backyard Birds

    If you do a lot of backyard birding, chances are that you can’t escape the message of “clean your feeders.” It’s peppered in throughout every article about bird feeders and songbirds. But how much do you know about the diseases that affect songbirds?

  • Bird's Eye View Education Program

    Anglers and floaters aren’t the only ones flocking to rivers and streams during the summer. Songbirds, many of them traveling hundreds or even thousands of miles from their wintering grounds, also flock to the rivers each spring and summer.

  • Wing It This Summer With These Bird Books

    Whether you’re floating down the Mighty Mo, relaxing beside Flathead Lake, or lounging in the backyard hammock, the best accompaniment to a good summer day is a great book. Listed below are 5 books in which the main characters have wings and you’re guaranteed to learn something about birds you didn’t already know.

  • Montana’s Prominent Pollinator: The Hummingbird

    Hummingbirds are one of Montana’s most sought after bird sightings in early spring. Social media rings with the question: “Does anyone have any hummingbirds yet?” almost frantically, and every passing glance stolen out a window is rimmed with the anticipation of seeing a small, darting figure.

  • Spring Reminders For Birders

    The first day of spring has come and gone on the calendar, which means that here in Montana, we’re just getting through mud season and the last errant snowstorms. While we hem and haw over how to dress for the weather this time of year brings, the birds have already made up their minds and […]

  • How Biologists and Bird Watchers teamed up to document why stream restoration is about more than just fish

    Recent news that North America’s bird populations have declined by some 3 million birds is a stark reminder that we must focus our attention on the continent’s most critical bird habitats. Riparian wetlands comprise less than 3 percent of the entire Western United States, yet support almost 90 percent of bird species during portions of […]

  • Eastern Montana- A Birder’s Paradise!

    Out-of-staters and Montanans alike tend to flock to the western half of the state in search of scenery and wildlife. The chance to see towering mountains and large wildlife species like Grizzly Bears and Mountain Goats are obvious draws, but Eastern Montana should not be underestimated for beautiful views or the chance to see wildlife.