Bird List

Updated ~18 hours ago
  1. Observer

Native and Naturalized (43)

  1. # Count: 1000
    Observer: Maurice Broun (Historical Records)
    Location: Near Palmyra Island (Atoll)
  2. # Count: 20
    Observer: Maurice Broun (Historical Records)
    Location: Near Palmyra Island (Atoll)
  3. # Count: 27
    Observer: Maurice Broun (Historical Records)
    Location: Near Palmyra Island (Atoll)
  4. # Count: 1
    Observer: Maurice Broun (Historical Records)
    Location: Near Palmyra Island (Atoll)
  5. # Count: 3
    Observer: Maurice Broun (Historical Records)
    Location: Near Palmyra Island (Atoll)
  6. # Count: 1
    Observer: Steve Welborn
    Location: Pacific Ocean - west of Napari
  7. # Count: 3
    Observer: Michael Schrimpf
    Location: SEA-S247-SC-001
  8. # Count: 2
    Observer: Michael Schrimpf
    Location: SEA-S247-SC-001
  9. # Count: 1
    Observer: Michael Schrimpf
    Location: SEA-S247-SC-001
  10. # Count: 2
    Observer: Michael Schrimpf
  11. # Count: 1
    Observer: Michael Schrimpf
  12. # Count: 25
    Observer: Michael Schrimpf
  13. # Count: 1
    Observer: Michael Schrimpf
  14. # Count: 1
    Observer: Michael Schrimpf
  15. # Count: 1
    Observer: Olivier Langrand
  16. # Count: 1
    Observer: Olivier Langrand
  17. # Count: 1
    Observer: Olivier Langrand
  18. # Count: 3
    Observer: Olivier Langrand
  19. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric VanderWerf
  20. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric VanderWerf
  21. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eric VanderWerf
  22. # Count: 20
    Observer: Eric VanderWerf
  23. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Pereksta
  24. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Pereksta
  25. # Count: 1
    Observer: David Pereksta
  26. # Count: 1
    Observer: Bert Wessling
    Location: North Pacific Ocean (4.4817,-163.7183)
  27. # Count: 4
    Observer: Bert Wessling
    Location: North Pacific Ocean (4.4817,-163.7183)
  28. # Count: 1
    Observer: Anonymous eBirder
  29. # Count: 1
    Observer: Anonymous eBirder
  30. # Count: 1
    Observer: Eve Hallock
    Location: Palmyra Atoll Runway
  31. # Count: 1
    Observer: Ben Cotter
  32. # Count: 2
    Observer: Ben Cotter
  33. # Count: 1
    Observer: Sonja Brandt
  34. # Count: 1
    Observer: Sonja Brandt
  35. # Count: 2
    Observer: Sonja Brandt
    Location: Auto selected 5.88870, -162.07806
  36. # Count: 1
    Observer: Sonja Brandt
    Location: Auto selected 5.88870, -162.07806

Additional Taxa (6)

  1. Brown/Black Noddy Anous stolidus/minutus
    # Count: 3
    Observer: Michael Schrimpf
    Location: SEA-S247-SC-001
  2. tern sp. Sterninae sp.
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Michael Schrimpf
    Location: SEA-S247-SC-001
  3. booby sp. Sula sp.
    # Count: 5
    Observer: Michael Schrimpf
    Location: SEA-S247-SC-001
  4. shorebird sp. Charadriiformes sp. (shorebird sp.)
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Olivier Langrand
  5. Western/Eastern Cattle-Egret Ardea ibis/coromanda
    # Count: 3
    Observer: Anonymous eBirder
  6. shearwater sp. Procellariidae sp. (shearwater sp.)
    # Count: 2
    Observer: Ben Cotter