
Singapore News

  • Tip for eBird Mobile - show bird names as per NSS checklist

    By default, eBird uses a slightly different set of bird names from what we use in Singapore, eg. what we call King Quail, eBird calls it Blue-breasted Quail.

  • Nature Society (Singapore) is proud to be eBird country partner

    The Nature Society (Singapore) Bird Group has a long history of being at the forefront of ornithology in Singapore, generating awareness & appreciation for wild birds, surveying & recording her birdlife, publishing bird reports, bird books and maintaining the checklist of the birds of Singapore. We encourage all birders to record their sightings on eBird, […]

  • Autumn Migration in Full Swing

    Autumn migration is in full swing in Singapore, what with the second record of the Fairy Pitta and other goodies. November is also the peak of raptor migration, who knows a Short-toed Snake Eagle may show up, just keep looking!