
Peru News

  • Annual eBird taxonomy update coming

    August is always an exciting time of year for eBird since it is when we update all eBird records with the latest scientific advances in bird taxonomy. New information on species limits can result in increases (splits) or decreases (lumps) in your list totals.

  • October Big Day—6 October 2018

    Global Big Day has set new heights for a single day of birding each of the past four Mays. This massively international collaborative birding event has been so great that we’re having another worldwide eBird Big Day!

  • February eBirder of the Month Challenge

    Sharing is caring. This month’s eBirder of the Month Challenge, sponsored by, Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, is all about birding with others.

  • Perú ya se prepara para defender el título del Global Big Day en mayo

    A fines de enero se va llenando el mapa de donde irá la gente a observar aves. Si estarás en Perú y quieres participar, llena tu formulario:  

  • Global Big Day—get involved

    On 14 May, birders from across the world will unite to answer a single question: how many birds can we find as a global team? This happened last year for the first time on the inaugural Global Big Day, when collectively we recorded more than 6,000 species.

  • Perú establece el record mundial de aves vistas por un país en un día. ¡1,183 aves!

    El esfuerzo valió la pena. Esperemos que este logro sea el inicio de una relación más estrecha entre los peruanos y sus aves.

  • Great (Global) Backyard Bird Count this weekend!

    February 14-17 (Friday to Monday) is the 17th annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC). To participate, just go birding during this timeframe and make sure to enter your checklists in eBird.

  • Second annual Birding Rally Challenge 9-20 June 2013

    With a longer and more complex route than 2012, the second ever Birding Rally Challenge 2013, will transect northern Perú from the coast, over the Andes and into the Amazonian forests in the east. Its starting point will be the Forest Historical Sanctuary Pomac and Laquipampa Wildlife Refuge, areas with a highly unique avifauna. The event, will be […]

  • Presenting the "Atlas de las Aves Playeras del Perú"

    In February 2010 a group of Peruvian and international scientists led the first comprehensive ground-based census of shorebirds and other water birds along the coast of Peru. These surveys covered the entire Peruvian coastline with participation from more than 150 volunteer observers and resulted in counts of more than 100,000 shorebirds of 31 species.

  • Summary of Peruvian Shorebird Census Results

    During the first two weeks of February 2010, a coalition of groups, headed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, BirdLife Peru, Calidris (Colombia), Corbidi, Naturaleza y Cultura Internacional y Museo de Historia Natural de la UNSA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service teamed up to hold a series of shorebird workshops and censuses at sites up and down the Peruvian coast.