Pillar Point Harbor--West Point Ave. Freshwater Pond, Marsh and Willow areas

Bird List

Updated ~4 seconds ago
  1. Observer

Native and Naturalized (90)

  1. # Count: 1
    Observer: Elizabeth Meisman

Additional Taxa (6)

  1. loon sp. Gavia sp.
    # Count: 5
    Observer: Danette Henderson
  2. gull sp. Larinae sp.
    # Count: 4
    Observer: Josiah owens
  3. cormorant sp. Phalacrocoracidae sp.
    # Count: 3
    Observer: Josiah owens
  4. peep sp. Calidris sp. (peep sp.)
    # Count: 5
    Observer: Tim Hoo
  5. tern sp. Sterninae sp.
    # Count: 100
    Observer: Marissa Gibson
  6. wren sp. Troglodytidae sp.
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Christian Walker