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Balanga Nature and Wetland Park
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Checklist Leaders
- 1.Mark Villa
- 2.Riza Melicor
- 2.Mike Lu
- 4.Ruben Bala
- 4.Cristina Cinco
- 6.John Dumlao
- 6.Jose Feliciano Josef
- 6.Mathieu Soetens
- 6.Diuvs De Jesus
- 6.Ravi Iyengar
Species Leaders
- 1.Mark Villa
- 2.Mathieu Soetens
- 3.Ravi Iyengar
- 4.Robert Hutchinson
- 5.Eloise Martinez
- 6.Riza Melicor
- 7.Wild Bird Club of the Philippines Data
- 7.Mike Lu
- 9.Nikki Dyanne Realubit
- 10.Felix Neponcio Servita