
Bird List

Updated ~3 hours ago
  1. Observer

Native and Naturalized (75)

  1. # Count: 5
    Observer: Chris Wills
    Location: Sigatoka River mouth Western
  2. # Count: 3
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  3. # Count: 4
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  4. # Count: 4
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  5. # Count: 2
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Tunalia Road Malolo Western
  6. # Count: 1
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Nadakouri Forest area Central
  7. # Count: 3
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  8. # Count: 1
    Observer: Roland Seitre
    Location: Des vœux -16.78150, -179.97791 Northern
  9. # Count: 1
    Observer: Grant Terrell
    Location: Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge Central
  10. # Count: 1
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Matava Eastern
  11. # Count: 2
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  12. # Count: 3
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Namosi Road--Peak Central
  13. # Count: 3
    Observer: Craig Murray
    Location: Auto selected -16.81070, 179.32023 Northern
  14. # Count: 2
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Des Veaux Peak lower slope secondary forest Northern
  15. # Count: 2
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Denarau to Kuata Island Cruise. Western
  16. # Count: 2
    Observer: Mark O'Brien
  17. # Count: 1
    Observer: Richard Webber
    Location: Nadi to Mana Island ferry Western
  18. # Count: 5
    Observer: bodhi mohan
  19. # Count: 2
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Kuata Island FJ-Fiji Western
  20. # Count: 6
    Observer: Teri Wills
    Location: Nadi--First Landing Western
  21. # Count: 6
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Denarau to Kuata Island Cruise. Western
  22. # Count: 1
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Denarau to Kuata Island Cruise. Western
  23. # Count: 2
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Denarau to Kuata Island Cruise. Western
  24. # Count: 2
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Denarau to Kuata Island Cruise. Western
  25. # Count: 3
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Denarau to Kuata Island Cruise. Western
  26. # Count: 10
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Denarau to Kuata Island Cruise. Western
  27. # Count: 1
    Observer: Sue Hacking
    Location: Cathedral Cave area Bay of Islands Eastern
  28. # Count: 1
    Observer: Jeffrey Black
    Location: Auto selected -17.59645, 177.41965 Western
  29. # Count: 1
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Matava Eastern
  30. # Count: 1
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Denarau to Kuata Island Cruise. Western
  31. # Count: 2
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Denarau to Kuata Island Cruise. Western
  32. # Count: 2
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Denarau to Kuata Island Cruise. Western
  33. # Count: 1
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Tunalia Road Malolo Western
  34. # Count: 1
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  35. # Count: 1
    Observer: Craig Murray
    Location: Auto selected -16.81070, 179.32023 Northern
  36. # Count: 1
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Des Veaux Peak entrance/1st gate Northern
  37. # Count: 1
    Observer: Craig Murray
    Location: Auto selected -16.81070, 179.32023 Northern
  38. # Count: 2
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Matava Eastern
  39. # Count: 2
    Observer: Roland Seitre
    Location: Des vœux -16.78150, -179.97791 Northern
  40. # Count: 1
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  41. # Count: 5
    Observer: Grant Terrell
    Location: Colo-i-Suva Rainforest Lodge Central
  42. # Count: 3
    Observer: Craig Murray
    Location: Auto selected -16.81070, 179.32023 Northern
  43. # Count: 1
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Matava Eastern
  44. # Count: 2
    Observer: Roland Seitre
    Location: Des vœux -16.78150, -179.97791 Northern
  45. # Count: 1
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  46. # Count: 2
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  47. # Count: 4
    Observer: Grant Terrell
    Location: Auto selected -16.65723, 179.35749 Northern
  48. # Count: 1
    Observer: Craig Murray
    Location: Auto selected -16.81070, 179.32023 Northern
  49. # Count: 1
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  50. # Count: 4
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  51. # Count: 1
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Des Veaux Peak lower slope secondary forest Northern
  52. # Count: 2
    Observer: Roland Seitre
    Location: Taveuni Boma-16.81408, -179.86877 Northern
  53. # Count: 2
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Vusaratu Forest Northern
  54. # Count: 1
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  55. # Count: 2
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Matava Eastern
  56. # Count: 1
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  57. # Count: 1
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Colo-I-Suva Forest Park Central
  58. # Count: 2
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Namosi Road--Peak Central
  59. # Count: 3
    Observer: Craig Murray
    Location: Auto selected -16.81070, 179.32023 Northern
  60. # Count: 2
    Observer: Roland Seitre
    Location: Des vœux -16.78150, -179.97791 Northern
  61. # Count: 3
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Namosi Road--Peak Central
  62. # Count: 2
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Namosi Road--Peak Central
  63. # Count: 2
    Observer: Jodi Webber
    Location: Unnamed Road, Central Division Central
  64. # Count: 5
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  65. # Count: 10
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Tunalia Road Malolo Western
  66. # Count: 2
    Observer: Grant Terrell
    Location: Auto selected -16.65723, 179.35749 Northern
  67. # Count: 9
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  68. # Count: 2
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  69. # Count: 2
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Namosi Road--Peak Central
  70. # Count: 8
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Tunalia Road Malolo Western
  71. # Count: 4
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Tunalia Road Malolo Western
  72. # Count: 1
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  73. # Count: 3
    Observer: Joe Cockram
    Location: Batilamu Lodge Western
  74. # Count: 1
    Observer: Glen Valentine
    Location: Namosi Road--Peak Central
  75. # Count: 1
    Observer: Brian Deans
    Location: Tunalia Road Malolo Western

Additional Taxa (2)

  1. Gray-tailed/Wandering Tattler Tringa brevipes/incana
    # Count: 1
    Observer: Richard Webber
    Location: Nadi to Mana Island ferry Western
  2. white-eye sp. Zosteropidae sp.
    # Count: 2
    Observer: Nathaniel Bell
    Location: Thurston Gardens Central