© Nick Athanas
© Anton Liebermann
© Graham Montgomery
© Paul Molina A

Піві тумбезький Contopus punensis

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Small flycatcher found in dry and semi-humid forest in western Ecuador and western Peru. It is mostly gray with pale wingbars and a small crest. Some birds show a small amount of yellow on the belly. Prefers drier habitats than Eastern Wood-Pewee and Western Wood-Pewee, and only rarely found together with them. Tropical Pewee has shorter wings, a longer tail, and may show a faint spot between the eye and bill. Voice is very distinctive. Typical song in most of its range is a clear, whistled “pee, wee”; occasionally more notes are given. In the Marañón Valley it gives a different “chee-wit” or “chee-chee-widit”. Often encountered on an exposed branch, from which it makes regular sallies to hunt insects. It may return to the same perch repeatedly. Formerly considered a subspecies of Tropical Pewee.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN