Introducing eBird Northwest: An interactive resource for birders

By Team eBird 9 Dec 2014

Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk. Photo by Brian L. Sullivan.

Birdwatchers in the Pacific Northwest can now enter their bird observations into eBird Northwest (, a new regional portal of the global eBird program. The new portal connects birdwatchers with “citizen science” opportunities to improve conservation and natural resource management. This tool will support engaged birders and naturalists who actively contribute to regional conservation projects and visit the portal’s website to submit their bird sightings, read regional and national stories about birds, and access useful information for locating and identifying Pacific Northwest birds. Conservation partners – Klamath Bird Observatory, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Pacific Region), and Avian Knowledge Northwest – have worked with Cornell Lab of Ornithology to develop and launch this great tool. A growing list of citizen science projects supporting and collecting bird information is now available on eBird Northwest, including:

  • Sagebrush Songbird Survey;
  • Puget Sound Seabird Survey;
  • Oregon 2020; and
  • Klamath-Siskiyou Oak Restoration Monitoring.

eBird Northwest contributes to Avian Knowledge Northwest, another global conservation effort, and helps fulfill nation-wide bird conservation priorities outlined by the North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI). Check out the Fall 2014 All-Bird Bulletin (

eBird Northwest is live at – visit this site and help us conserve regional birds and their important landscapes!